Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Titus 2 Tuesday

I Love Being a Stay-at-Home-Mom

Sometimes I forget how rich I am. I may not have a lot of money in the bank, a big fancy home, or two brand new cars sitting in the driveway, but I have something far more special. I have a faithful husband who loves the Lord, and me. I have three beautiful healthy daughters, who have three wonderful husbands who love the Lord and them. I also have a wonderful, sweet grandson who has stolen my heart.

Now that my homeschooling years are done and the girls have all grown and have lives of their own, I have been asked, “So, are you going to get a job now”? My answer is the same as when my girls were all little and still at home. “NO”! My *job* is caring for my home and my husband and I love what I do.

I have no desire whatsoever to work outside of my home. I have been there and done that. I hated leaving our girls so I could go to work and make money so I could have *things*.  I spent most of my work day in the rest room crying because I missed my girls. My heart was home with them. The small amount of money I brought home (after paying for daycare) wasn’t worth it to me so I begged my husband to let me come home, which he so graciously agreed.

Now I’m not saying that there weren’t days that I didn’t long for adult conversation or a little shopping spree to Target alone now and then. But, at the end of the day when our girls were all tucked in and sleeping, my heart was full. I was so thankful and honored that I was allowed to be home with them, to read to them, play with them, sing with them, explore with them. There is no amount of money that could replace the get riches I received by being a stay-at-home mommy, Kelli, Kaitlyn, and Kristina's mommy!

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