Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Wedding Message

This is the message Michael read at Leighton & Kaitlyn's wedding.

As we all gathered here on this glorious day that the Lord has blessed you with, we are excited

for the two of you as you begin a new life together, as husband and wife, establishing a new

family, and a new ministry team for the Lord. But why did you go through all this work and

expense? Why not just go off and live together? Why not try each other out and if you’re not

compatible you can find someone else? Wouldn’t that be easier than all of this? But no, you

have planned and dreamt about this day your whole life. So why make it special or unique from

other days? You know our culture is in a battle over what marriage is and what makes up a

family today. Our culture isn’t sure about commitment or vows, or permanency in marriage.

You are here today to declare without a doubt that God has a design for marriage,

for the family, and for the two of you. That design is for one man and one woman to make a

covenant with each other and stick with that covenant for life. You are here to testify of God’s

leading in your life to be together with one another and to live out the picture God gives us in

scripture of Christ, the bridegroom laying down his life for His bride, the church. We are going

to testify of God’s design for marriage today by asking our family and friends here with us a few questions.

1. Why are the friends of the bride and groom seated on opposite sides from one another? This is a symbol of a covenant setting. Marriage is established by God as a covenant not a contract. In the Old Testament a covenant was established when two parties sacrificed an animal of value and walked together between the two pieces of flesh. You sitting there symbolize the sacrifices made in order for the bride and groom to enter into this agreement, or covenant. A covenant is based on trust, not distrust. A covenant is based on unlimited responsibility, not limited liability, and a covenant cannot be broken when circumstances change while a contract can be broken by mutual consent.

2. Why the white isle runner? This is a symbol of walking on holy ground. A covenant is made in the presence of God and He is the One joining you two.

3. Why do the parents get special seating?  The final responsibility for a parent is to help their child discern the right life mate for them. Parents enter into the wedding as a position of authority and leave in a position of counsel as a new household is established.

4. Why did Leighton come in first? He is declaring that he is the covenant initiator. Whoever initiates the covenant has the greater responsibility of seeing that it is fulfilled. God initiated covenants with Noah, Abraham, and David. Christ initiated the covenant of salvation with us and He will fulfill it. God is responsible and faithful to fulfill His covenants and you are called to be faithful in your wedding covenant.

5. Why did Michael walk Kaitlyn down the aisle? Michael is telling Kaitlyn, “I am endorsing this young man as God’s very best for you as a husband and I am now bringing you to him. At the same time Michael is saying to Leighton, “I am presenting to you a daughter whom Denise and I have worked hard to train and protect as a pure bride for you.”

6. Why do we ask who gives the bride to be married to the groom? It symbolizes not only the full blessing of the parents but is also a transfer of responsibility to Leighton by Michael.  Kaitlyn is now under Michael’s care and protection until marriage, once married she is now under the care and protection of her new authority, Leighton.

7. Why will Leighton make his vows first? As the initiator he is assuming the greater responsibility to fulfilling the purpose God has for marriage. Which include companionship, he will work at keeping Kaitlyn as his best friend. Completeness. God says man shouldn’t be alone. God has brought them together to complete the weaknesses and the needs they each have. They fill what is lacking in the other. Fruitfulness. God’s first command was to be fruitful. The Bible says that you are blessed to have a quiver full of children to do battle with the enemy. Protection. Leighton you are to lay down your life for Kaitlyn. Lay down your time, your money, your affections, your goals, your priorities, and make them yours together. Enjoyment. God gives marriage that you may enjoy each other and life together. And the final purpose of marriage is that you are a picture of Christ and the church. I will come back to that in a moment.

8. Why is the couple “pronounced” husband and wife? This pronouncement establishes as a definite time of the beginning of the marriage. This is now a valid marriage and the beginning of a new household.

9. Why do we introduce the new couple? This establishes their change of names. Kaitlyn will take on Leighton’s last name and Leighton will take on a new name of husband, Kaitlyn’s husband.

Now I want to go back to the most important reason for us being here today and why we don’t

treat a wedding ceremony flippantly. You are here today giving us a beautiful picture of the

gospel. We are here today to proclaim not only God’s design for marriage but also the message

this proclaims to others. You see when weddings took place in the Bible, the prospective groom

would travel from his fathers house to the girls house. The father of the girl would work out

arrangements and a price would be paid to the father for the bride. After the payment the

marriage covenant would be established. At this point the guy and the girl were considered

husband and wife even though that had been no physical union. Now the girl was declared to

be set apart exclusively for the groom. The groom then left the girls home and returned to his

fathers home. There he prepared a place to bring his new bride. During this time the girl is to

prepare herself to get ready to leave when her bridegroom returns. When the grooms

preparations were complete, he would travel back to the girls home, usually at night with a

 torch-lit procession to get his bride. The bride does not know exactly when he is coming so she

is prepared to leave at any time. The groom arrives and takes his bride with him back to his

fathers house where they consummate their marriage.

People, this is a picture spiritually of what God is doing for us. Jesus has a plan for each of our

lives and that plan is for us to be His bride. He left His Fathers house to come to earth, our

house, and pay a price by shedding His own blood to purchase our salvation. He then went back

to His Fathers house and is preparing a place for us. His desire is for us to be with Him.

 Someday, and someday soon, He is coming again to receive those who have put their faith in

Him, His bride, and bring them to be with Him eternally in heaven. This is why this is important;

this is why this is solemn and serious. We are presenting a picture of God’s very plan of

salvation for the world. My question to you as you sit and look at this picture is to ask, Is he

 coming for you? Will you someday enjoy the warm fellowship with Jesus in heaven as His

spiritual bride? To enter into a covenant relationship with Him, simply admit you are a sinner

and not worthy on your own merits to stand before your Holy Creator and through repentance

and placing your faith entirely on Jesus Christ, who paid the ultimate price for us by giving His

 own life to pay for our sin, by asking Him to forgive you and be your precious Savior and

bridegroom. This is what Leighton & Kaitlyn stand for and what they declare to you today. Do

you see the picture? Will you put your trust in Christ today? You will not only make this bride

and groom happy but your heavenly bridegroom waits for you to come. We are excited to see

what the Lord is going to do in and through your marriage. I pray God’s abundant blessings

 upon you. I love you both.


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