Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Do You Know Where You're Going?

With the recent loss of my brother, David, I've been having thoughts like this running through my mind....."Life is so short", "Time doesn't stand still for anyone", "Are you going to tell them about Me?"

Talking to family about Jesus has to be one of the hardest things to do. Especially if your family is mine. They don't like to talk about serious matters. Everything is a joke. When I have tried to share with them, I am being "religious" or acting like I am better than them. If only they could see my heart and know that the reason I bring these tough issues up is because I love them!

Heaven and Hell are real places and one day, we will all die and go to one place or the other. My prayer is that for one moment, you would stop and listen. We are ALL sinners (me included), and are separated from God. There is only ONE way to heaven and that is by confessing our sins, acknowledging that Jesus Christ died on the cross, rose again and is seated at the right hand of God. Once we do that, we must turn from our sins and begin to walk in a new light. The Bible says, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new."2 Corinthians 5:17. Here is an analogy I have used to help people see the importance of being saved. If you seen your child, parent, spouse, or friend walking toward the edge of a cliff and you knew that if they fell off that cliff, they would fall to their death, would you stand there and say nothing? Would you watch them fall and let them die without trying to help them? Of course you wouldn't! You would do everything in your power to try and help save them. That is the same with sharing the gospel with someone. We are ALL destined for hell unless our eyes are opened to the truth and we accept it. If no one ever shares this truth with us, how are we to know? So, that is why I share. Out of genuine love and concern.
We can NOT get to heaven by going to Church, reading our Bible, attending Sunday school, being a good person, doing good things. There is only one way. Putting our hope and faith in Christ. My prayer is that whoever reads this, and is not walking with Christ, will be awakened by the Holy Spirit and come to Christ. Life is short and we do not know when our time here will be over. We must make the decison to follow Christ now. There are no second chances. Once we die, we're done. Don't wait to make the most important decision you'll ever make.
I love you and I'll be praying for you!!

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